Platform Release Notes

Snowdon Release ⛰️
28 Oct 2020
Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales at 3,560 feet high

Feature Release Notes

Brand Platform

  1. Style Functionality: Teams now have greater style flexibility and can clone/move/remove/archive styles from a Collection or Project until PO is approved.
  2. Style Information: Teams can now add custom style codes to each style.
  3. Costing Flexibility: Teams now have the ability to request re-costs and add/remove styles from an RFQ up until a PO is approved.
  4. User Management: Teams can now enable/disable email notifications for each individual user, and also remove a user from the team.
  5. Dimension Card updates: Auto-save functionality on the dimensions table and additional flexibility on the upload via .csv function.
  6. Sign-in & sign-up flow: Simplified flow, the user will no longer be required to add OTP.
  7. Moodboard: Ability to share Moodboards with Manufacturers.
  8. Sample Orders: Updated sample order timeline and added functionality. Teams can now view the following: More detailed delivery status on the timeline, sample order delivery details, airway bill number, tracking link and delivery details.


Manufacturer Platform

  1. Landing Page: New and improved landing page with easier in platform navigation and quick links to help centre, blog and giving feedback.
  2. User Management: Ability to add multiple team members.
  3. RFQs: New option to ‘accept updates on RFQ’ following the addition or removal of a style from Brand Platform.
  4. Production View: Dimension card update showing all sizes with POM Dimension next to the related image.

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